This most refined/noble halfblooded line of oriental horses was established in Babolna (Hungary) by the stallion Shagya, who was imported from the desert, born in Syria 1830 from the Koheil – Siglavi line and purchased for the formal Austria – Hungarian empire by colonel Herbert in the year 1836 from the Bedouin tribe Bani Saher. He was “honey” gray, 159 cm tall and was active in Babolna till 1842; his blood was kept up by several of his sons from which excelled most Shagya IV out of mare Siglavi I. Shagya IV was the sire of the Mezöhegyesh stallion Shagya X, born 1855 out of the mare 307 Samahn II; his three sons (Sh VI, Sh VII, Sh VIII) were returned to Babolna were the most prominent was the Shagya VIII out of 25 Aga on whom the actual Shagya line in Babolna was established. Two of the Mezöhegyesh Shagya X sons, Shagya I, Shagya II came to Radovec where the entire Radovec – Shagya line was rebuilt.
Grandson of the stallion Shagya II was Shagya X, born in Radovec 1899 out of 246 Sheraky.
Shagya X (1899) asserted his typical morphological and physiological attributes, lively temperament, undemanding in care and feeding, excellent ability to utilize food, endurance at work under saddle and even in light draft, usefulness for breeding in later age, light and roomy gaits. The cavalry regiments, whereby the descendants of Shagya X were exclusively valued, tested the endurance and toughness of Shagyas. According to colonel Heller’s report, there was not even one Shagya that could not jump well. Also, because of his offspring uniformity, they were also very much thought out for coupling/team light draft/carriage.
Typical Oriental halfblood of the Shagya line, 8 years 618 Shagya
Shagya XVI
Shagya X was for a long time dappled gray; only in his later age became white, despite that his parents, sire Shagya VII and his dame 246 Sheraky, were already white in their middle age. Because his granddame from his sire side 361 El-Bedavi was bay, often there were in his offspring bays (as much as 45%), which were then, due to the ruling resentment for the gray color, greatly valued.
Shagya X was very potent stallion till his later age; in Kladruby he bred for the last time in the year 07/19/1927 and as 28 year old was put down on account of his advanced age. His blood was circulating in horses all over Europe, Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, Germany and even in the USA.
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