The Western Diluvium Horse – Equus Robustus
Some of the oldest relics of the one-toed horse were found in Italy belonging to the “diluvium” horse named Equus Stenois Cochii. More recent excavations showed this horse appearing in two forms. The first form evolved into wild kertag, the “forefather” of the Mongolian horses, and into wild tarpan, the “forefather” of the Oriental horses. The second form of Equus Stenois evolved into a much larger and heavier horse. This wild form of “diluvium” horse was named by Stegman “The Western Diluvial Horse” (Equus Robustus Steg). Many other relics of this animal were excavated in Europe. There are many other names for the heavier form of this horse, which were accordingly named after the discoverers. Some of these horses grew to the size of over 17 hands and had six additional vertebrae than the tarpan.
The appearance and characteristics of this massive horse can be found depicted in the cave drawings in Spain, dated as far back as the Ice Age. This horse is believed to be the foundation horse of all domestic horses which today are commonly refer to as “Coldblooded”. The closest in appearance to the “diluvium” horse in today’s breeds is the old form of Noriker (named after the Roman province Noricum, south of Danube). The western “diluvium” horse, besides being much larger and heavier in comparison with the tarpan or Kertag, differed from them significantly in formation of the skull and teeth.
Stegman believed that the Western Celtic people in central Europe domesticated the western horse. He further suggested that the Romans, during their campaign, brought these horses to Rome. One fact is evident; these horses were domesticated much later than the Mongolian (Kertag) and Oriental (tarpan) horses.
Antique statue of Marcus Aurelius in Rome (2nd century A.D.)
A and B western horse
a and b eastern horse
The Western Diluvium Horse - Equus Robustus

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