Type of Drug
Analgesic; anti-inflammatory.
Prescribed for
Mild to moderate pain; fever; inflammation of bones, joints, or other body tissues; reducing the probability that men who have had a stroke or TIA (oxygen shortage to the brain) because of a problem with blood coagulation will have another such attack. Aspirin may also be prescribed as an anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drug in people with unstable angina, and to protect against heart attack, although it has not been approved by the government for this purpose.
General Information
Aspirin is probably the closest thing we have to a wonder drug. It has been used for more than a century as a pain and fever remedy but is now used for its effect on the blood as well.
Aspirin is the standard against which all other drugs are compared for pain relief and for reduction of inflammation. Chemically, Aspirin is a member of the group called salicylates. Other salicylates include Sodium Salicylate, Sodium Thiosalicylate, Choline Salicylate, and Magnesium Salicylate (Trilisate). These drugs are no more effective than regular Aspirin, although 2 of them (Choiine Salicylate and Magnesium Salicylate) may be a little less irritating to the stomach. They are all more expensive than Aspirin.
Scientists have discovered how Aspirin works. It reduces fever by causing the blood vessels in the skin to open, thereby allowing heat from our body to leave more rapidly. Its effects on pain and inflammation are thought to be related to its ability to prevent the manufacture of complex body hormones called prostaglandins. Of all the salicylates, Aspirin has the greatest effect on prostaglandin production.
Many people find that they can take Buffered Aspirin but not regular Aspirin. The addition of antacids to Aspirin can be important to patients who must take large doses of Aspirin for chronic arthritis or other conditions. In many cases, Aspirin is the only effective drug and it can be tolerated only with the antacids present.
Cautions and Warnings
People with liver damage should avoid Aspirin. People who are allergic to Aspirin may also be allergic to drugs such as Indomethacin, Sulindac, Ibuprofen, Fenoprofen, Naproxen, Tolmetin, and Meclofenamate Sodium or to products containing tartrazine (a commonly used orange dye and food coloring). People with asthma and/or nasal polyps are more likely to be allergic to Aspirin.
Reye’s syndrome is a life-threatening condition characterized by vomiting and stupor or dullness and may develop in children with influenza (flu) or chicken pox if treated with Aspirin or other Salicylates. Because of this, the U.S. Surgeon General, Centers for Disease Control, and pediatric physicians’ associations advise against the use of Aspirin or other salicylates in children under age 17. Acetaminophencontaining products are suggested instead.
Aspirin can interfere with normal blood coagulation and should be avoided for 1 week before surgery for this reason. It would be wise to ask your surgeon or dentist their recommendation before taking Aspirin for pain after surgery.
Pregnancy /Breast -feeding
Check with your doctor before taking any Aspirin-containing product during pregnancy. Aspirin can cause bleeding problems in the developing fetus during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy. Taking Aspirin during the last 3 months of pregnancy may lead to a low-birth-weight infant, prolong labor, and extend the length of pregnancy; it can also cause bleeding in the mother before, during, or after delivery.
Aspirin has not caused any problems among nursing mothers or their infants.
Aspirin, especially in the larger doses that an older adult may take to treat arthritis and rheumatic conditions, may be irritating to the stomach.
Possible Side Effects
Possible side effects include nausea, upset stomach (1), heartburn, loss of appetite, and loss of small amounts of blood in the stool. Aspirin may contribute to the formation of a stomach ulcer and bleeding.
Drug Interactions
People taking anticoagulants (blood-thinning drugs) should avoid Aspirin. The effect of the anticoagulant will be increased.
Aspirin may increase the possibility of stomach ulcer when taken together with adrenal corticosteroids, Phenylbutazone (2), or alcoholic beverages.
Aspirin will counteract the uric-acid-eliminating effect of Probenecid and Sulfinpyrazone.
Food Interactions
Since Aspirin can cause upset stomach or bleeding, take each dose with food, milk, or a glass of water.
Usual Dose
Adult: for aches, pains, and fever, 325 to 650 milligrams every 4 hours; for arthritis and rheumatic conditions, up to 5200 milligrams (16 325-milligram tablets) per day; for rheumatic fever, up to 7800 milligrams (24 325-milligram tablets) per day; to prevent heart attack, stroke, or TIA in men, 325 milligrams 2 to 4 times per day.
Child: not recommended for children age 16 or younger. Consult your doctor for more information.
Symptoms of mild overdosage are rapid and deep breathing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing or buzzing in the ears, flushing, sweating, thirst, headache, drowsiness, diarrhea, and rapid heartbeat. Severe overdosage may cause fever, excitement, confusion, convulsions, coma, or bleeding.
The initial treatment of Aspirin overdose involves making the patient vomit to remove any Aspirin remaining in the stomach. Further therapy depends on how the situation develops and what must be done to maintain the patient. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING UNTIL YOU HAVE SPOKEN WITH YOUR DOCTOR OR POISON CONTROL CENTER. If in doubt, go to a hospital emergency room.
Special Information
Contact your doctor if you develop a continuous stomach pain or a ringing or buzzing in the ears.
If you take Aspirin on a regular basis and forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the forgotten dose and continue with your regular schedule.
I believe that Aspirin is less abusive to the horse’s stomach than Butazolidin, while on the other hand Ibuprofen is milder than Aspirin. (Back to 1)
Should be noted and not used in addition to Butazolidin or Dexamethazone (Azium Powder) (back to 2)
Noticed Effects
I do not have much experience with this product on horses. I have used it several times and I have not noticed any side effects. As a matter of fact I have noticed very little difference if any, and that may be why I have not used this product often. However, I would use Aspirin preferably to Butazolidin whenever there is need for antibiotics and fever reduction at the same time. My favorite in that case was always Dipyrone.
You may encounter some problems using this product on horses. First of all I have found that most of them do not want to eat aspirin when mixed into the food. One can use a “pill gun” to administer the drug, but for an inexperienced person it is not recommended. I’ve seen folks that have injured the back of the horse’s mouth when using a pill gun. Mixing crushed Aspirin pills ( with apple sauce, molasses etc) into some form of paste and administering it by the way of dose syringe will work fine.
I believe that this product is effective in reduction of fever, however it is not as potent as Butazolidin or Dipyrone. I also believe that as a pain killer it is hardly comparable with Butazolidin or Ibuprofen.
This product is available over the counter and it comes also in the form of a “horse pill”. Most Vet catalogs have it. It is a good product to have on hand.
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