he Hannoveraner (Hanoverian) is an English halfblood of somewhat heavier form than the East Prussian/Trakhener or the Meklenburger. This horse was bred between the estuaries of rivers Elbe and Weser in the Hannover region in Germany. The breeding of halfbloods in that region was mainly influenced by the Celle stud farm established 1735. Here were the domestic mares bred with the Dutch and Holsteiner stallions in the first half of the 18th century, however they were eventually replaced by the English halfbloods and fullbloods (thoroughbreds), which were later on bred in Meklenburg region.
In the middle of the 19th century a stallion Norfolk (sired by English halfblood Seymour) came to Hannover from the Meklenburg region. His offspring stallions Nordlicht, Nadelock and Nadick have separated the Hanoverian horses into a type of finer and lighter form and into a type of heavier and rougher form. The intended program of breeding was to produce a stronger riding horse and a medium weight carriage horse. On account of the fact, that both of these types were continuously mixed, the Hannoveraner is less consistent in his form and color in comparison with other German warmbloods.
Halfblooded Hannoveraner mare
Sire Ossian (TB), dam Altman
In Celle was also active Arabian stallion from the line of Amurath, therefore many of the Hannoveraners have a type of a stronger oriental fullblood. The majority of Hanoverian horses are English type form of horse with long lines, lower set neck, good size withers and well formed/deep chest. The preferred lines of Hanoverians were the line of Flick and Adeptus.
Hannoveraner brand placed on the left thigh.
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