Fura-Zone or Furazone (also known as Fura-Septin, Fura Dress, Nitrofurazone) is the most common, as well as the most popular wound dressing used on horses by professionals and amateurs alike. It is very effective and useful in treatment of leg wounds, especially when bandaging is necessary. It is also commonly used by the professionals in the combination with the caustic powder for the treatment of proud flesh. This product has also other uses that will be introduced on this website.

Note: This product has received some negative publicity referring to cancer in rats. Well, keep in mind that this is a wound dressing for horses, and one is not suppose to eat it! Furthermore one does not need to handle these products by hand, especially when applying to a wound, as one simply uses a piece of gauze, with which he wipes some of the dressing out of the jar, sticks it on the wound and then bandages the wound up.

Fura-Zone Ointment antibiotic ointment for the prevention, or treatment of surface bacterial infections of wounds, burns, and cutaneous ulcers.
Active ingredient: Nitrofurazone. Water-Soluble. 16 oz.


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