The Turkish horse has his form very similar to the Arabians, with which he was very much refined/crossbred. This could be explained by the fact, that Turks worship Islam and often make the once-year trip to Arabia/Mecca and favorably and usually on horses.
During, not so long ago centuries the Turks used to ride mostly the smaller, Mongolian type horses, hence it is often and incorrectly stated in the literature, that where ever the Turks (military) went, they refined the indigenous breeds with their Arabian stallions. The Arabian stallions were owned for the most part by the “head” Turks, but the core of the cavalry formed the smaller Mongolian type horses. Antonius stated that, for example in Bosnia and in the remote parts of the Balkans, there could still be found horses of the kertag type, hence the Mongolian type. Such was also the Hungarian horse, which no longer exists, but the older “hippologists” still remembered his forms. Finally in the latter part of the XIX century he was refined/crossbred with the Arabians in Babolna and later with the English thoroughbred on the Hungarian state stud farm in Kisber, to improve his speed, size and strengthening his back. In the same way were bred the Angloarabian “Yukrs”, the pride of the Hungarians, with which they can travel in fast trot in the carriage over greater distances.
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